February 27, 2016

The Science Of Friction... Factors for rubber

How to make every possible effort to push the limits!

The factor that influences the friction of your climbing shoes on rock the most, is by far the Normal Force. You should spend time analyzing it and always having this in mind as you place and load your feet. In my next post I will focus on breaking down the Normal Force into something comprehendible, but now I will dig deep into the minute details of the other factors.

If you are climbing at the very limits of what is physically possible, every sliver of contribution will actually be important. Knowing what these factor are will be essential, and knowing what can be done about them is what separates you from the rest.

The factors that influence friction

Besides the main contribution from the Normal Force, there are the factors that influence the coefficient of static friction.


It should come as no surprise that humidity is a factor. This is a factor that all climbers have battled. Rain just shatters all your (outdoor) climbing plans, it does not even have to be raining on the day of your climb to ruin it. Moisture takes time to dry. Even rain elsewhere, or no rain at all... just humidity in the air or lack of air circulation to transport away moisture could be enough to prevent the friction from being optimal. The actual (negative) contribution of humidity on friction is dependant on several factors, like the surface of the rock in question. Some rock seems to be just as good to climb regardless of air humidity, while others are useless with even slightly humid air.

The Bleausards of Fontainebleau have fine tuned this aspect to a level where they routinely whack the holds with a cloth to remove as much moisture as possible before getting on the rock. I am not talking about wet holds, they whack the seemingly dry rock when humidity in the air causes issues with friction.

How significant is this factor?
I have found no scientific studies on rubber friction on rock with regards to the effect of humidity, nor any similar studies that I could extrapolate from. I might pursue this later, please advise me (comment) if you stumble across any relevant studies.

I will however suggest that the impact of humidity on the friction of your shoes on the rock is far less than the impact it has on the friction between your fingers and the rock.


Just as with humidity, heat is a known enemy of friction. Professional climbers migrate the globe in structured patterns, chasing the winter for cold, crisp conditions. The effect of temperature on friction is significant, but can be ignored if you are only looking for an enjoyable climb. If you aim to tick your list or break new ground, you need to keep an eye on the thermometer and the forecasts.

How significant is this factor?
Studies have proven a link between temperature and rubber friction and it effects adhesion, microhysteresis and macrohysteresis (see my previous post on these contributors to the total friction). The only data I found were from aircraft tire testing and extrapolated from that data the effect is about 0.24% per degree Celsius. This is not good enough to be used for anything scientific, but it is good enough to give an indication of temperatures effect on friction for your rubber shoes on the rock.

I will again, however suggest that the impact of temperature on the friction of your shoes on the rock is far less than the impact it has on the friction between your fingers and the rock.

Pressure / Area

Pressure and area are two sides of the same thing. The pressure per square inch on the rubber sole is dependant of the actual force applied and the surface area of the contact surface. Applying more force will not result in an equally increase in friction. As you apply more and more force, the friction gain will decrease.

Note that applying more pressure is always good for the friction as long as the majority of the extra force is a contribution to the Normal Force.

The practical value of this is that smearing is better for friction than edging and that distributing your weight on both feet gives better friction than standing on one foot.

How significant is this factor?
There are studies that expose this factor, but they are performed with "hard rubber" and "soft rubber" etc. These indicate that this factor can be as large as 10 to 30%, or even higher. These however may not apply that well as they do not cover the entire range of force that a human body will produce by its weight and it is not targeted at the custom designed, sticky climbing shoe rubber. To get a better indication further studies has to be carried out. I might venture into this in later posts.

We should also assume that climbing shoe brands put a lot of effort into tuning the rubber blend to achieve characteristics that perform well within the range of force produced by the human body.


As described in the previous post about rubber friction, the adhesion part of the friction is highly dependant on the availability of atoms and molecules to bind with atoms and molecules on the contact surface. Oxygen in the air will bind with any surface and reduce this availability to a minimum. 

Does this imply that friction is better at high altitude where the air is thinner? Not likely, as oxygen is plentiful, it might effect the time it takes for a surface to be "saturated", fully oxidized, but I would suggest that this is insignificant.

How significant is this factor?
You would definitely experience a totally different friction if you were climbing in an oxygen free environment, but that is not really an option. Within the practical aspect of climbing, rubbing your shoes down to get fresh rubber exposed before stepping on the rock will give you some effect of this, but only slightly.

I have found no studies on rubber for this to give an indication on the significance, but it is enough to have climbers identify this by themselves without scientific studies. So if the very limit is your playground, you should definitely start to rub your shoes with your palm before attempts when you chase your projects.

Contact Time

As with oxidation this factor is about adhesion, the bonding of atoms and molecules between the contact surfaces. This bonding is dependant on the availability of atoms and molecules to bond with, but this bonding actually improves with time. As time passes, the atoms and molecules adapts to the intermolecular forces and more and more bonds are formed. If you push the limits of what will not slip, climbing slower, allowing those feet to settle in and the rubber to stay in place a little longer will actually help.

How significant is this factor?
Scientific studies have detected and quantified this effect in the testing of tribometers. I have not found any actual data from these studies, but it is of significant size when it comes to determining the coefficient of friction with these instruments. I guess most climbers will not need to adopt a conscious habit of considering this factor, but again, if you are pushing the boundaries you should consider every possible aspect.

The Normal Force

The Normal Force is not the focus of this post, but it is the single most important factor of friction. You should pay attention to all factors, but if you miss out on the Normal Force all the other efforts are in vain. My next post will take friction back to the basics and focus entirely on the Normal Force.

May The Normal Force Be With You!


Robert Horigan Smith, Analyzing Friction in the Design of Rubber Products and Their Paired Surfaces, CRC Press 2008, ISBN: 0-8493-8136-3

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