
Why Should You Read My Blog?

Conclusions on climbing technique are summarised at the main web site climbingtechnique.com. The Climbing Technique Forum is where the topics are discussed and consensus derived. This blog however is where the ideas and cutting edge thoughts and testing occurs, it gives more insight into my day to day work and experiences regarding climbing technique.

If you care about climbing technique and want insight into research and alternative perspectives I hope to give you an all-you-can-eat buffet of material here. Should I fail to do so, you can always give me your opinion and request topics and ideas.

Why Do I Blog?

I find blogging to be more personal and direct line of communication. It also allows for more opinions and preliminary results and conclusions. I think that in retrospect, my blog will provide a historical record of how my understanding of climbing technique evolved.

I hope that my understanding will be second to none and that every time I am proven wrong I will have the opportunity to document my new findings and share this process with you.

Who Am I?

I'm a climber, just like you. I have climbed for some time and have focused on analysis and climbing technique. My technical background combined with my analytical and structured nature have pointed me in this direction.

Getting down to the facts, I am Thomas Madsen, born in 1973... but have not yet attracted moss nor fungi. I live in Oslo, Norway, but frequent the woods of Fontainebleau, France.
I am a telecom engineer by education, and a CTO by profession.

I started climbing in 2007 and soon became a devoted boulderer as this in particular appeals to my analytical and problem-solving nature. I question everything and since I started climbing, the most frequent question has been: "why did I slip?". This effort is a direct result of this, I hope you enjoy it :-)

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